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SkillVill Founders

Join Pre-Launch



For Founders

About the Circle

What we offer to eachother:
Access to a community of founders and aspiring founders.
Resources on topics, such as fundraising, marketing, and product development.
Advice regarding your real time needs from experienced fellow founders .
Opportunities to network.
Events and meetups for founders.

Who is this circle for?
This circle is for anyone who is thinking about starting a business or who is already in the process of starting and scaling a business.

Community Expectations

  • Be active in the circles you join. Participate in discussions, share your ideas, and help others.

  • Be helpful and supportive. Offer to help others with their projects or goals.

  • Be encouraging. Create a positive environment in the circles you join.

  • Be yourself. People are more likely to be allies with people they like and respect.

  • Join circles that are working on projects or goals that you are interested in.

  • Offer your skills and expertise to help with projects.

  • Share your resources, such as time, money, or materials.

  • Promote projects and goals to your network.

  • Be supportive of projects and goals.

We hope these items will help you get the most out of SkillVill!

Get Started!

Step 1

Pre-Register to get your invite to login during our launch.

Step 2

Choose this path and any others that may apply to you.

Step 3

Begin your journey tasks waiting for you on your to-do board. Discover and explore allies & available resources specific to you on each step of your journey.

Step 4

Update your progress to continually perdsonalize your next step and level up together.

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